Monday, October 16, 2017

Miracles and Jesus Christ

So this week I forgot about something I wanted to write about since last week but forgot until after so I will mainly talk about that but first off, this week was good. 

We had interview with Presidente Lacerda which was great. So during this one, I had a humbling experience. My president said that being the district leader for the zone leaders is a good amount of responsibility and that if I animate them, then the whole zone will be animated. Then he said something that hit me hard. He said, "Elder, the Lord has a lot of trust in you." That hit me hard because as a representative of Jesus Christ, it was humbling to hear that the Lord has faith in me, I just need to continue to do my part. 

The other thing I wanted to talk about is that we have done two family home evenings in two separate homes. The first was with Irmã Nilma. So for these special noite familiares (family home evenings but it is easier to write the former) we would show different videos of the miracles that Christ did while he was here on earth, and then after say that "…as representatives of Christ, what do you want to ask for if Jesus Christ was here?" Then, we write it down, say the prayer, and then leave them to continue feel the Holy Ghost (because it is already there.) So with Nilma, we did this and she started to cry because she thought of her husband and felt the spirit. With the other family, (Irmã Andreia) we did the same thing, she didn’t cry, but I have never felt the spirit so strong in my life. It was a great reminder of our purpose here on the mission and it was great to feel the spirit that much. 

I hope you all have a great week! 


Elder Kupferer

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